Aivia Software
3D Display Options
The 3D Display Options toolbar lets you control the appearance of the scene in 3D View. You can specify the overlays to be displayed on the scene, which extend to exported images and videos as well.
On this page:
The 3D Display Options panel is one (1) of the three (3) Display Settings panels, which are in a column to the right of the Image Panel by default. The 3D Display Options toolbar is at the top of the 3D Display Options panel and is shown below.
3D Display Options toolbar
Most items in the toolbar toggle the display of a specific aspect of the scene in 3D View. The options are described in the following table:
Name | Icon | Description |
Toggle Volume Bounding Box | Toggles the display of the white bounding box that surrounds the displayed image | |
Toggle Axis Display | Toggles the display of 3D axes indicating the X, Y and Z directions | |
Show FPS | Toggles the scene frame rate display | |
Set Maximum Volume Rendering Quality | Specifies the maximum volume quality percentage; the default value is 70%, sub-sampling (which is experimental) is used above 100%, and the renderer does not downsample the image volume when the image volume is moved and the maximum quality is above 110% | |
Toggle 3D Projection Mode | Allows you to choose whether parallel planes in the image always appear parallel on the screen (ON) or parallel planes in the image converge/diverge such that objects "farther" from the observer/camera appear smaller than those of the same size that are "closer" (OFF) | |
Toggle 3D Filtering Mode | Toggles the use of interpolation for creating smooth transitions between voxels | |
Set Backdrop Color | Specifies the background color in 3D View | |
Toggle 3D Mouse Indicator | Toggles the display of a mouse indicator that has its coordinates and the intensity of the image at those coordinates displayed along the bottom of the Aivia window | |
Set Mouse-Indicator Size | Specifies the radius of the 3D mouse indicator | |
Toggle Specular Lighting | Toggles the display of highlights on meshes | |
Toggle Dynamic Mesh Level of Detail | Allows you to choose whether dynamic mesh level of detail (dynamic mesh LOD), where high-LOD meshes are shown for objects that are close to the observer/camera and low-LOD meshes are shown for objects that are far from the observer/camera, is used (ON) or high-LOD meshes are loaded for all objects (OFF) | |
Open Mesh Visibility Options | Opens a menu of the following options for selectively showing/hiding meshes:
For information about the rest of the 3D Display Options panel, see the Clipping & Ortho Planes documentation.
Selectively show objects
There are five (5) options for selectively showing/hiding meshes, which are described in the table below. To access these options, first click on the Open Mesh Visibility Options icon and then on the icon for the desired option in the menu that opens (see right).
Name | Icon | Description |
Show Only Selected Meshes | Shows only the selected meshes in the Image Panel and hides the rest | |
Hide Selected Meshes | Hides only the selected meshes in the Image Panel | |
Swap Hidden and Shown | Hides meshes that are shown and shows meshes that are hidden in the Image Panel | |
Show Random Meshes | Shows a random selection of meshes in the Image Panel and hides the rest | |
Show All Meshes | Shows all meshes in the Image Panel |
For the Show Only Selected Meshes and Hide Selected Mesh options, you may select the meshes of interest in the Image Panel or from the Spreadsheet in Aivia.
The mesh visibility options in 3D Display Options do not show meshes in hidden object sets. Object set/group visibility can be toggled in the Object Set Settings panel.