Viewing large files in VR

Aivia Software

Viewing large files in VR

Due to the graphical processing demands for VR, datasets may not render with the same level of detail expected on a regular display. Maintaining a high display frame rate is important in the VR environment to reduce the risk of personal injury or discomfort. For large datasets (>20 GB), Aivia VR may not be able to maintain adequate performance with default rendering settings. It may be necessary to turn off parts of the scene to achieve adequate performance.

Helpful tips

Here are a few tips for getting the most out of Aivia VR for very large datasets:

  • Turn off volume rendering:  for large datasets, volume rendering may remain at very low resolution and will likely occupy a significant amount of on-board video memory
  • Create and display object surfaces: data flow for 3D surfaces are well-optimized for VR visualization, creating object surfaces through our manual tools or recipe would enable you to explore the 3D data with lower GPU demand compared to volume rendering
  • Show simple surfaces over complex ones: in very large datasets with numerous objects (such as tracks), displaying the more simplistic representation of the surfaces will also reduce the memory demand
    • For neurons, use Sphere or Line mode display over Surface mode
    • For tracks, turn off Surface and use only anchors, tracks and trends

By reducing the rendering demand, it is possible for Aivia to retain high display frame rate for smooth interactions.

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