Aivia Software
Open an image
Aivia has an Open File(s) dialog which allows you to navigate to the location of your image(s) and then load them into Aivia. You may also drag-and-drop files into the Image Viewer or Contents Panel.
See the Import Image Sequences, Live Import, and Image Stitcher pages for more loading options.
A few demo images can be downloaded from Aivia's Updater window. To locate these demo images, go to Help > Demo Images or run the Demo Images command from the search bar.
Open from the Open File(s) dialog
The Open File(s) dialog allows you to navigate to the file location of your image. There are four (4) main ways to access the Open File(s) dialog:
Click on File > Open. The File menu is in the upper-left corner of the Aivia window.
Ctrl + O
.Click on the Open button in the Image Explorer, which is in the Contents Panel at the bottom of the Aivia window.
Use the Open command from the search bar.
In the Open File(s) dialog, navigate to the file location of your image, select the file in the dialog, and then click Open to continue. The Open File(s) dialog will then close, and a thumbnail will appear in the Image Explorer panel with a cube-stacking icon that indicates the image is being loaded.
If your image does not have calibration, the Calibration Properties dialog will appear. Enter the appropriate calibration values and click Apply to set the image calibration, or click Cancel to skip calibration.
A thumbnail of the image will then appear in the Image Explorer panel, and the full image will be displayed in the Image Viewer area.
Open by drag-and-drop
Aivia supports file loading by dragging-and-dropping a file thumbnail or path into the Image Viewer or bottom panel. You can drag-and-drop a file from your Desktop or from the File Explorer.
To drag-and-drop a file, click on the file thumbnail you wish to open and hold down the left mouse key while moving the mouse cursor to the Aivia window. Release the left mouse key when your cursor reaches the Image Viewer or bottom panel of Aivia.
Open a recently loaded file
You can open one (1) of the nine (9) most recent files loaded into Aivia by going to File > Open Recent and selecting the file you wish to load. You can also open a recent file by pressing Ctrl
+ Shift
+ Alt
+ the numeric key corresponding to which recent file you would like to load, with 1
corresponding to the most recently opened file.