Search bar

Aivia Software

Search bar

At the top centre of the Aivia application screen there is a search bar.

From the search bar, you can navigate to tools, adjust the layout of the interface, perform various functions, and access tips and further information about the software.

The search bar also houses Active Tiles, which are tiles that adjust the Aivia layout and perform functions for common workflows.

Using the search bar

Activate the search bar

To type in the search bar, first either click in the search bar along the top of the Aivia window or press Ctrl + F. When the search bar is focused but nothing is typed in, Active Tiles, an Expand icon for the Active Tiles, a Reset Layout button, and recently run commands are shown and can be clicked.




Search bar focused with nothing typed in





Find commands in the search bar

As you type, suggested commands and links are listed below the search bar; you can click on an item in the search bar with the mouse or navigate through the options using the arrow keys and then press Enter on the desired command/link.

Some search bar commands can perform actions that do not correspond to specific buttons, panels, etc. in Aivia and instead perform multiple or more complex functions; these include the following commands:

  • Brighten Image

  • Create Mesh

  • Darken Image

  • Export Sample Video

  • Hide Objects

  • Show Objects

To view all available search commands, type everything into the search bar.


Command, video, and wiki suggestions for a search



Navigational commands

Navigational commands, which have “Navigate To” in gray text under the command name, show the given tool/panel if it is hidden or collapsed or briefly highlight the tool/panel with a border (see below) to show you where the tool/panel is.







Using Active Tiles

To view Active Tiles, click in the search bar or press Ctrl + F. The Active Tiles that will appear depend on your license configuration. You may need to click on the Expand icon to see all available Active Tiles.

Click on an Active Tile to perform the associated layout adjustments and/or functions, which are described in the table below.









Visualize Data

Sets the view mode as 3D View, if applicable, and arranges the Aivia layout for data viewing (collapses the Contents Panel, which expands the viewing area, and shows the Channel Settings, Object Set Settings, and 3D Display Options panels)

3D Object Analysis

Estimates parameters for 3D Object Analysis - Meshes for the displayed image, creates and/or selects a region of interest (ROI) that may be useful for previewing and evaluating the recipe parameters, and arranges the interface for an object analysis workflow (goes into 3D View and shows the Channel Settings, Object Set Settings, and Analysis Tools panels)

Explore Results

Arranges the interface to one conducive to exploring analysis results (goes into 3D View, if applicable; shows the Spreadsheet in the Contents Panel; and shows the Channel Settings, Object Set Settings, Tags, and Analysis Tools panels, with Charts shown in the Analysis Tools panel)

Teach Aivia

Sets up Aivia for you to begin painting annotations for Pixel Classifier training (goes into Main View [2D], collapses the Contents Panel, and shows the Channel Settings and Analysis Tools panels, with the Pixel Classifier shown in the Analysis Tools panel and Paint mode enabled)

Neuron Analysis

Estimates parameters for 3D Neuron Analysis - FL for the displayed image and arranges the interface for a neuron analysis workflow (goes into 3D View and shows the Channel Settings, Object Set Settings, and Analysis Tools panels)

Make a Video

Creates a set of sample keyframes for the Video Animator and sets up the interface for a video creation and editing workflow (goes into 3D View and shows the Video Animator in the Contents Panel)


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