Aivia Software
3D Neuron Analysis - FL
The 3D Neuron Analysis - FL recipe in Aivia detects and automatically traces dendrites in fluorescence 3D volumetric images. The recipe has options for tracing dendrites with or without somas as well as options for automatic detection of dendritic spines. After applying the recipe, you can extend the analysis by applying a neuron classifier to classify the detected neurons.
For tracing neurons in 3D electron microscopy images, use the 3D Neuron Analysis - EM recipe.
On this page:
Automatic Parameter Selection
Auto Icon
3D Neuron Analysis - FL features Aivia That Learns: AI-powered automatic parameter selection.
Click on the Auto icon (see right) in the recipe header to initiate parameter prediction, which feeds features from the specified input image channel into a model trained by human experts and then populates the Recipe Console with predicted parameters.
Active Tile
Another way to initiate parameter estimation for 3D Neuron Analysis - FL is through the Neuron Analysis Active Tile, which is accessed from the search bar at the top of the Aivia window. The Neuron Analysis Active Tile also adjusts the Aivia layout to one that is recommended for a neuron analysis recipe workflow. If the Neuron Analysis Active Tile is not shown when you click in the search bar, try clicking on the Expand icon in the lower-left corner of the search dropdown.
Parameters and Presets
Recipe parameters for 3D Neuron Analysis - FL and their descriptions are summarized in the table below.