Object Classifier

Aivia Software

Object Classifier

The Object Classifier tool allows you to create and apply user-guided or automatic object classifications on detected objects. Aivia currently supports the following types of classifiers:

This page describes the high-level functions that are common to all classifier types, such as creating and managing classifiers. For detailed information about each specific classifier type and its usage, please refer to its respective wiki page(s). 

On this page:


To enable the Object Classifier, click the Layouts button (located directly below the File menu) and check the "Object Classifier" checkbox from the list of available conrols. Alternatively, click the Classification layout button which would update the layout to display the Object Classifier tool panel.


The Object Classifer tool panel contains a toolbar for managing classifiers; it is located at the top of the panel. The toolbar allows you to perform file actions related to the Classifier, such as selection, creation, and saving.

The function for each item in the toolbar is summarized in the table below:


The dropdown menu lets you select a loaded classifier to apply to your data.
Create New Classifier
This option allows you to create a new, blank pixel classifier for teaching.

This option removes the selected classifier from Aivia. This will not delete the selected classifier from its file.

This option allows the user to load a pre-trained classifier (.classifier) from a file into Aivia.

This option allows the user to save the current classifier to a file.
Export Classifier Data to CSV

This option allows the user to export the classifier data (trained objects and measurements) to an Excel-readable comma-separated value (CSV) file.
Reload Classifier

This option reloads the current classifier to its previously saved state, discarding any changes made to the classifier.
Select Measurements

This option launches a window that lets you specify the measurements to use in the classifier. This option is available only for User-guided Classifiers.

General usage

Create a new classifier

You can create a new classifier from scratch by clicking on the Create New Classifier  button in the toolbar. In the dialog that pops up (see below), you will be prompted to enter information about the new classifier:

  • Enter a name for the new classifier
  • Select the classification type
  • Select the type of objects to be classified

To see more information about each Classification Type, click the Help Me Choose button. This would expand the dialog to show the table below which provides a comparison of the classifier types and their characteristics.

Click the Create button to create the new classiifier. It will be added to the list of available classifiers and is ready to be trained or configured.

Apply a classifier

To apply a classifier, select it from the Classifier list, select the object set to be classified from the Set to apply to dropdown list, then click the Apply button. If the data has existing classifications, applying a classifier will remove the existing classifications and create new ones.

On apply, the classifier will look at each object and assign a class. If you have Color by Class turned on in the Object Settings, the colors of the objects will change in accordance with their assigned categories.

You can also view the objects by class in the Spreadsheet panel as subsets.

More information on how to use the Classifier View can be found in the How to classify objects page.

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