Export meshes

Aivia Software

Export meshes

The mesh export functions save 3D surface reconstructions generated in Aivia to PLY files.

The exported PLY files are readable in software such as MeshLab, Blender, and Windows 3D Builder.

Export all meshes

To export all meshes on a single time frame, do one (1) of the following:

  1. Click on File > Export > Meshes > All Meshes.

  2. Run the Export All Meshes command from the search bar.

Then, navigate to and choose a folder to export the meshes to in the dialog and click on Select Folder. Each discrete 3D surface is exported as a separate file, and the files are organized in a folder structure according to object set.

Export selected mesh

To export a single mesh, first select the mesh by, for example, clicking on it in the viewer and then do one (1) of the following:

  1. Click on File > Export > Meshes > Selected Mesh.

  2. Run the Export Selected Mesh command from the search bar.

Finally, choose a location and filename for the PLY file in the dialog and click on Save.

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