Aivia Software
Advanced Measurement Functions
Advanced Measurement Functions can be used to define custom measurements for your analysis results through the Advanced Measurements interface, which is accessed from the Spreadsheet.
On this page:
Table of Advanced Measurement Functions
Function Name(Input 1, Input 2,...) | Description |
ClassificationNodeIndex() | When RTree is applied, this outputs the node index which decided classification |
ClassificationValue() | Retrieves the first instance of classification defined for the object |
ClassificationGroup() | Retrieves the classification group the object belongs to |
NoveltyScore() | Retrieves the novelty score, if it exists, for the object |
ClassConfidenceScore() | Retrieves the confidence score for the object being in the assigned class, if it exists |
MaxOverTime(Track Measurement) | Retrieves the maximum value of the given input |
MaxToCurrent(Track Measurement) | Retrieves the maximum value of the given input from the beginning to the current frame being processed |
MinOverTime(Track Measurement) | Retrieves the minimum value of the given input |
MinToCurrent(Track Measurement) | Retrieves the minimum value of the given input from the beginning to the current frame being processed |
Sum(Track Measurement) | Calculates the sum of the given input measurement |
SumToCurrent(Track Measurement) | Calculates the sum value of the given input measurement from the beginning to the current frame being processed |
Average(Track Measurement) | Calculates the average of the given input measurement |
Average(Track Measurement, End T Frame) | Calculates the average of the given input measurement from the beginning of the measurement data to the defined static time frame |
Average(Track Measurement, Start T Frame, End T Frame) | Calculates the average of the given input measurement between the two (2) given static time frames |
AverageToCurrent(Track Measurement) | Calculates the average value of the given input measurement from the beginning to the current frame being processed |
AverageOverTime(Track Measurement, Window Length Backwards, Window Length Forwards) | Calculates the average of the given input measurement between the two (2) defined value offsets from the current frame being processed (windowing around the center frame) |
Mode(Track Measurement) | Calculates the mode of the given input measurement |
Mode(Track Measurement, End T Frame) | Calculates the mode of the given input measurement from the beginning of the measurement data to the defined static time frame |
Mode(Track Measurement, Start T Frame, End T Frame) | Calculates the mode of the given input measurement between the two (2) given static time frames |
ModeToCurrent(Track Measurement) | Calculates the mode value of the given input measurement from the beginning to the current frame being processed |
ModeOverTime(Track Measurement, Window Length Backwards, Window Length Forwards) | Calculates the mode of the given input measurement between the two (2) defined value offsets from the current frame being processed (windowing around the center frame) |
Median(Track Measurement) | Calculates the median of the given input measurement |
Median(Track Measurement, End T Frame) | Calculates the median of the given input measurement from the beginning of the measurement data to the defined static time frame |
Median(Track Measurement, Start T Frame, End T Frame) | Calculates the median of the given input measurement between the two (2) given static time frames |
MedianToCurrent(Track Measurement) | Calculates the median value of the given input measurement from the beginning to the current frame being processed |
MedianOverTime(Track Measurement, Window Length Backwards, Window Length Forwards) | Calculates the median of the given input measurement between the two (2) defined value offsets from the current frame being processed (windowing around the center frame) |
StandardDeviation(Track Measurement) | Calculates the standard deviation of the given input measurement |
StandardDeviation(Track Measurement, End T Frame) | Calculates the standard deviation of the given input measurement from the beginning of the measurement data to the defined static time frame |
StandardDeviation(Track Measurement, Start T Frame, End T Frame) | Calculates the standard deviation of the given input measurement between the two (2) given static time frames |
StandardDeviationToCurrent(Track Measurement) | Calculates the standard deviation value of the given input measurement from the beginning to the current frame being processed |
StandardDeviationOverTime(Track Measurement, Window Length Backwards, Window Length Forwards) | Calculates the standard deviation of the given input measurement between the two (2) defined value offsets from the current frame being processed (windowing around the center frame) |
Max(Value 1, Value 2) | Retrieves the maximum of the two (2) defined values |
Min(Value 1, Value 2) | Retrieves the minimum of the two (2) defined values |
PI() | Retrieves the defined value of π (3.14159265358979323846) |
E() | Retrieves the defined value of e (2.7182818284590452354) |
Ceiling(Value) | Returns the smallest integral value that is greater than or equal to the specified number |
Floor(Value) | Returns the largest integer less than or equal to the specified number |
Sin(Value) | Returns the sine of the specified angle |
Cos(Value) | Returns the cosine of the specified angle |
Tan(Value) | Returns the tangent of the specified angle |
Sinh(Value) | Returns the hyperbolic sine of the specified angle |
Cosh(Value) | Returns the hyperbolic cosine of the specified angle |
Tanh(Value) | Returns the hyperbolic tangent of the specified angle |
Asin(Value) | Returns the angle whose sine is the specified number |
Acos(Value) | Returns the angle whose cosine is the specified number |
Atan(Value) | Returns the angle whose tangent is the specified number |
Atan2(y, x) | Returns the angle whose tangent is the quotient of the two (2) specified numbers |
Sqrt(Value) | Returns the square root of the specified number |
Ln(Value) | Returns the natural (base e) logarithm of the specified number |
Log(Value, Base) | Returns the logarithm of the specified number in the specified base |
Log(Value) | Returns the base 10 logarithm of the specified number |
Exp(Value) | Returns e raised to the specified power |
Abs(Value) | Returns the absolute value of the given input |
RelationCount() | Returns the number of objects that are related to the tracked object |
RelationCount(Related Object Set) | Returns the number of objects that are related to the tracked object from the specified object set |
RelationCountAtFrame() | Returns the number of objects that are related to the object on any given frame, excluding objects related through lineage |
RelationCountAtFrame(Related Object Set) | Returns the number of objects that are related to the object from the specified object set on any given frame, excluding objects related through lineage |
RelatedObjects(Statistic Type, Measurement to Summarize) | Calculates the statistical type on the related objects |
RelatedObjects(Statistic Type, Measurement to Summarize, Related Object Set) | Calculates the statistical type on the related objects which are from the specified, related object set |
RelatedSecondaryObjects(Statistic Type, Measurement to Summarize, Related Object Set) | Calculates the statistical type on the related objects which are from the related object set; the primary related objects are the ones which are statistically grouped |
Pearsons(Channel A, Channel B) | Calculates the Pearson's correlation coefficient |
PearsonsUnderMask(Channel A, Channel B) | Calculates the Pearson's correlation coefficient in the area defined by the objects in the set |
PearsonsUnderMaskPerObject(Channel A, Channel B) | Calculates the Pearson's correlation coefficient in the area defined by the objects in the set |
PearsonsWholeImageIntersection(Channel A, Channel B, Related Object Set) | Calculates the Pearson's correlation coefficient in the area defined by the objects in set A intersected with their relations in set B |
PearsonsPerObjectIntersection(Channel A, Channel B, Related Object Set) | Calculates the Pearson's correlation coefficient in the area defined by the object in set A intersected with related object in set B |
MandersOverlap(Channel A, Channel B) | Calculates the Manders' overlap coefficient |
MandersOverlapUnderMask(Channel A, Channel B) | Calculates the Manders' overlap coefficient in the area defined by the object |
MandersOverlapWholeImageUnderMaskIntersection(Channel A, Channel B, Related Object Set) | Calculates the Manders' overlap coefficient in the area defined by the objects in set A intersecting with related in set B |
MandersOverlapPerObjectUnderMaskIntersection(Channel A, Channel B, Related Object Set) | Calculates the Manders' overlap coefficient in the area defined by the object in set A intersecting with relation in set B |
MandersOverlayTMPerObject(Channel A, Related Object Set) | Calculates Manders' TM value: sum of intersected intensity on channel A divided by sum of intensity on channel A |
MandersOverlapTM(Channel A, Related Object Set) | Calculates Manders' TM value: sum of objects' intersected intensities on channel A divided by sum of objects' intensities on channel A |
Count() | Returns the number of objects |
TrackCount() | Returns the number of track objects |
DendriteCount() | Returns the number of dendrite objects |
SpineCount() | Returns the number of spine objects |
HeadCount() | Returns the number of head objects |
MeanDistance() | Returns average distance to all other objects in the set using the bounding box xyz location |
MaxDistance() | Returns the greatest distance to all other objects in the set using the bounding box xyz location |
MinDistance() | Returns the smallest distance to all other objects in the set using the bounding box xyz location |
SummaryNoParent(Statistic Type, Measurement) | Returns the smallest distance to all other objects in the set using the bounding box xyz location |
Summary(Statistic Type, Measurement) | Uses all objects frame by frame to calculate the input statistic type of the input measurement |
SummarySingleValue(Measurement) | Returns the value input but on the Summary tab of the Spreadsheet |
SummaryMultiValue(Measurement) | Returns the value input for the current time frame but on the Summary tab of the Spreadsheet |
IndexOf(Value to Find, Series to Search) | Returns the index in the domain of the series to search in which the value is first found; returns NaN if value is not found |
IndexOf(Value to Find, Tolerance, Series to Search) | Returns the index in the domain of the series to search in which the value is first found within the defined tolerance range; returns NaN if value is not found |
ValueAtIndex(Series to Search, Index of Value) | Returns the value at the given index in the series provided; returns NaN if out of range |
ValueAtFrame(Series to Search, Frame of Value) | Returns the value at the given frame in the series provided; returns NaN if out of range |
FrameOfClosest(Value to Find, Series to Search) | Returns the frame in which the difference between the value at that frame and the value to find is the smallest; returns NaN if value is not found |
FrameOf(Value to Find, Series to Search) | Returns the frame in which the value is first found; returns NaN if value is not found |
FrameOf(Value to Find, Tolerance, Series to Search) | Returns the frame in which the value is first found within the defined tolerance range; returns NaN if value is not found |
DeltaT() | Returns the time calibration of the image |
XResolution() | Returns the X calibration of the image |
YResolution() | Returns the Y calibration of the image |
ZResolution() | Returns the Z calibration of the image |
ImageHeight() | Returns the height of the image/field |
ImageWidth() | Returns the width of the image/field |
ImageDepth() | Returns the Z depth of the image/field |
ImageVolume() | Returns the calibrated volume of the image |
ImageArea() | Returns the calibrated area of the image |
Statistic Type Inputs
For Statistic Type inputs, the following options are available:
Example: Summary(Mean, [Area (channel 1)])