Pixel Classifier

Aivia Software

Pixel Classifier

The Pixel Classifier is an image enhancement tool that enhances specific features on an image based on user-input teaching patterns. A number of image transformations are applied to the user-defined teaching regions (and their respective adjacent pixels) internally to identify unique features (such as edges or speckles) for classification.


The Pixel Classifier is a tab in the Analysis Panel, which is pinned and found on the right side of the Aivia window by default. When you launch the Pixel Classifier, the tool selects the most recently used classifier or starts a new classifier with two (2) predefined classes to help you get started right away.

The main Pixel Classifier GUI is shown below. There are five (5) sections in the Pixel Classifier interface:

  • The Classifier Toolbar along the top of the GUI allows you to perform file actions related to the Pixel Classifier.

  • The Input & Training section allows you to specify the image channel(s) to use for training and applying the classifier.

  • The Drawing section lets you select a tool for defining training regions in the Image Panel.

  • The Classifier section lets you select the pixel class to teach as well as specify output options.

  • The Apply Controls along the bottom of the GUI allow you to preview, teach, or apply a classifier and specify regions of interest (ROIs) for previewing and applying.

Pixel Classifier GUI