
Aivia Software


recipe in Aivia is a collection of image processing and analysis operations that are combined into a single workflow. Recipes enable one-click automation of applying the analysis pipeline on loaded images. Recipes are pre-installed with Aivia and can be found in the Recipe Console. The recipes are saved to a .recipe binary file format that are readable by Aivia.

On this page:


Example of a recipe interface is shown on the right. It is composed of three parts:

  • Recipe header shows the name of the recipe along with the option to expand the recipe presets
  • Input and output lets you specify the input and output that are used by the recipe during processing; this section is typically collapsed
  • Presets and parameters allows you to modify the analysis parameters used for processing and analysis

Recipe header

The recipe header is the blue bar found atop each recipe in the Recipe Console. The name and application icon of the recipe can be found here. There are two buttons found on the right hand side of the header.

Show description

Opens a pop-up window showing a brief description of the recipe
Show / Hide advanced options

Show or hide all preset group sections

3D Object Tracking recipe interface (collapsed)

3D Object Tracking recipe interface (partially expanded)

Input and output

The input and output section lets you specify the input image and output to the recipe. To expand the section, click on the Expand icon . Once expanded, you can use the dropdown menu next to each input and output label to specify the image to use.

Presets and parameters

The presets and parameters section is the main controls for specifying the analysis parameters in the recipe. The parameters are numeric input values for the processing functions. The parameters can be adjusted using the slider or textbox provided. The parameters are grouped into presets which are top-level controls for a given set of operations, named according to their functions.

There are three standard presets plus one custom preset for each group which can be recalled by clicking on the button associated with the preset. When you select a preset, it will change all the parameters that are within its group.

Besides the preset buttons, there are three (3) control buttons that can be found on most presets:

Display preview

Toggles the preview of the selected preset group
Switch operations

Opens a menu of available alternative operations for the given parameter

Reverts parameter value to its previous set value

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