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| Type: Morphology, Per Time Point Bounding Depth is the depth (extent in Z) of the bounding box for the entire neuron. |
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| Type: Morphology, Per Time Point Bounding Height is the height (extent in Y) of the bounding box for the entire neuron. |
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| Type: Morphology, Per Time Point Bounding Width is the width (extent in X) of the bounding box for the entire neuron. |
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| Type: Position, Per Time Point Centroid X is the x-coordinate of the center of the neuron’s bounding box. |
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| Type: Position, Per Time Point Centroid Y is the y-coordinate of the center of the neuron’s bounding box. |
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| Type: Position, Per Time Point Centroid Z is the z-coordinate of the center of the neuron’s bounding box. |
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| Type: Count, Per Time Point Dendrite Count is the total number of dendrite trees that the neuron has, which is equal to the number of dendrite segments that are directly connected to the soma. |
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| Type: Morphology, Per Time Point Fractal Dimension is the slope of the linear regression line for the log-log plot of Total Path Length vs. Straight Center Line Length (Euclidean distance between endpoints) for all dendrite segments making up the neuron. Image Modified |
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title | Max Dendrite Branch Euclidean Distance to Root |
| Type: Position, Per Time Point Max Dendrite Branch Euclidean Distance To Root is the maximum of the dendrite-branch-Euclidean-distance-to-root measurements for all dendrite segments belonging to the neuron. The dendrite branch Euclidean distance to root for a dendrite segment is the Euclidean distance from the endpoint of the dendrite segment, which is either a terminal point or a bifurcation point, to the root point (dendrite point that is connected to the soma) of the dendrite tree to which the dendrite segment belongs. In the example below, the dendrite branch Euclidean distance to root for “Dendrite Segment 3” is a. Image Modified |
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title | Max Dendrite Branch Generation |
| Type: Count, Per Time Point Max Dendrite Branch Generation is the highest number of generations in a lineage from a dendrite segment back to its or its ancestor’s connection to the soma for the entire neuron. A dendrite segment that is directly connected to the soma has a dendrite branch generation of zero (0). In the example below, dendrite segments are color-coded by their generation, which is given in the same color. Image Modified |
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title | Max Dendrite Branch Local Bifurcation Angle |
| Type: Morphology, Per Time Point Max Dendrite Branch Local Bifurcation Angle is the maximum dendrite branch local bifurcation angle for all bifurcations in the neuron. Dendrite branch local bifurcation angle is the angle formed by the bifurcation point and the two dendrite points (one on each child dendrite segment) that are directly connected to the bifurcation point. This angle is given in degrees and is represented by θ in the figure below. Image Modified |
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title | Max Dendrite Branch Mean Diameter |
| Type: Morphology, Per Time Point Max Dendrite Branch Mean Diameter is the maximum of the Mean Diameters of all dendrite segments belonging to the neuron. |
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title | Max Dendrite Branch Node Count |
| Type: Count, Per Time Point Max Dendrite Branch Node Count is the largest dendrite branch node count of all dendrite segments belonging to the neuron. Dendrite branch node count is the number of dendrite points (nodes) making up a single dendrite segment. |
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title | Max Dendrite Branch Partition Asymmetry |
| Type: Morphology, Per Time Point Max Dendrite Branch Partition Asymmetry is the maximum dendrite branch partition asymmetry of all dendrite segments belonging to the neuron. Dendrite branch partition asymmetry is a measure of dendrite tree asymmetry that is based on the number of terminal points in each sub-tree extending from a bifurcation point. Dendrite branch partition asymmetry is calculated for each dendrite segment using the equation below, where T1 is the number of terminal points in the first sub-tree and T2 is the number of terminal points in the second sub-tree. For the example below the equation, the left sub-tree extending from “Dendrite Segment 2” has two (2) terminal points (circled in blue), while the right sub-tree has three (3) terminal points (circled in red); letting the left sub-tree be considered the first sub-tree and the right sub-tree be considered the second sub-tree, T1 is 2 and T2 is 3 for “Dendrite Segment 2.” Image ModifiedImage Modified |
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title | Max Dendrite Branch Path Length |
| Type: Morphology, Per Time Point Max Dendrite Branch Path Length is the longest Total Path Length of a dendrite segment in the neuron. Total Path Length for a dendrite segment is the sum of all Euclidean distances between adjacent dendrite points (nodes) making up the dendrite segment. Image Modified |
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title | Max Dendrite Branch Path Length To Root |
| Type: Morphology, Per Time Point Max Dendrite Branch Path Length To Root is the maximum dendrite branch path length to root for all dendrite segments belonging to the neuron and is equal to the maximum Longest Path Length of all dendrite trees belonging to the neuron. Dendrite branch path length to root for a dendrite segment is the path length from the endpoint of the dendrite segment back to its or its ancestor’s connection to the soma: it is the sum of the Total Path Lengths of the dendrite segment, its parent dendrite segment, its grandparent dendrite segment, and so on back to the root (ancestor that is directly connected to the soma). In the figure below, the dendrite branch path length to root for “Dendrite Segment 3” is represented by the length a. Image Modified |
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title | Max Dendrite Branch Ralls' Ratio |
| Type: Morphology, Per Time Point Max Dendrite Branch Ralls' Ratio is the maximum of the Ralls' ratios at each bifurcation in the neuron. Ralls' ratio at a bifurcation is calculated according to the equation below, where da is the diameter of the dendrite point that is connected to the bifurcation point on one of the child segments, db is the diameter of the dendrite point that is connected to the bifurcation point on the other child segment, and dp is the diameter of the bifurcation point on the parent segment. Image Modified |
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title | Max Dendrite Branch Remote Bifurcation Angle |
| Type: Morphology, Per Time Point Max Dendrite Branch Remote Bifurcation Angle is the maximum of the dendrite branch remote bifurcation angles for all bifurcations belonging to the neuron. Dendrite branch remote bifurcation angle is the angle formed by the bifurcation point and the endpoints of the two (2) child dendrite segments extending from the bifurcation point. This angle is given in degrees and is represented by θ in the example below. Image Modified |
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title | Max Dendrite Branch Surface Area |
| Type: Morphology, Per Time Point Max Dendrite Branch Surface Area is the maximum of the Surface Areas of all dendrite segments belonging to the neuron. |
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title | Max Dendrite Branch Tortuosity |
| Type: Morphology, Per Time Point Max Dendrite Branch Tortuosity is the maximum of the Tortuosities of all dendrite segments belonging to the neuron. |
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title | Max Dendrite Branch Volume |
| Type: Morphology, Per Time Point Max Dendrite Branch Volume is the maximum of the Volumes of all dendrite segments belonging to the neuron. |
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title | Mean Dendrite Branch Euclidean Distance To Root |
| Type: Position, Per Time Point Mean Dendrite Branch Euclidean Distance To Root is the mean of the dendrite-branch-Euclidean-distance-to-root measurements for all dendrite segments belonging to the neuron. The dendrite branch Euclidean distance to root for a dendrite segment is the Euclidean distance from the endpoint of the dendrite segment, which is either a terminal point or a bifurcation point, to the root point (dendrite point that is connected to the soma) of the dendrite tree to which the dendrite segment belongs. In the example below, the dendrite branch Euclidean distance to root for “Dendrite Segment 3” is a. Image Modified |
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title | Mean Dendrite Branch Generation |
| Type: Count, Per Time Point Mean Dendrite Branch Generation is the mean dendrite branch generation of all dendrite segments belonging to the neuron. A dendrite segment that is directly connected to the soma has a dendrite branch generation of zero (0). In the example below, dendrite segments are color-coded by their generation, which is given in the same color. Image Modified |
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title | Mean Dendrite Branch Local Bifurcation Angle |
| Type: Morphology, Per Time Point Mean Dendrite Branch Local Bifurcation Angle is the mean dendrite branch local bifurcation angle for all bifurcations in the neuron. Dendrite branch local bifurcation angle is the angle formed by the bifurcation point and the two dendrite points (one on each child dendrite segment) that are directly connected to the bifurcation point. This angle is given in degrees and is represented by θ in the figure below. Image Modified |
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title | Mean Dendrite Branch Mean Diameter |
| Type: Morphology, Per Time Point Mean Dendrite Branch Mean Diameter is the mean of the Mean Diameters of all dendrite segments belonging to the neuron. |
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title | Mean Dendrite Branch Node Count |
| Type: Count, Per Time Point Mean Dendrite Branch Node Count is the mean of the dendrite branch node counts of all dendrite segments belonging to the neuron. Dendrite branch node count is the number of dendrite points (nodes) making up a single dendrite segment. |
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title | Mean Dendrite Branch Partition Asymmetry |
| Type: Morphology, Per Time Point Mean Dendrite Branch Partition Asymmetry is the mean of the dendrite branch partition asymmetries of all dendrite segments belonging to the neuron. Dendrite branch partition asymmetry is a measure of dendrite tree asymmetry that is based on the number of terminal points in each sub-tree extending from a bifurcation point. Dendrite branch partition asymmetry is calculated for each dendrite segment using the equation below, where T1 is the number of terminal points in the first sub-tree and T2 is the number of terminal points in the second sub-tree. For the example below the equation, the left sub-tree extending from “Dendrite Segment 2” has two (2) terminal points (circled in blue), while the right sub-tree has three (3) terminal points (circled in red); letting the left sub-tree be considered the first sub-tree and the right sub-tree be considered the second sub-tree, T1 is 2 and T2 is 3 for “Dendrite Segment 2.” Image ModifiedImage Modified |
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title | Mean Dendrite Branch Path Length |
| Type: Morphology, Per Time Point Mean Dendrite Branch Path Length is the mean of the Total Path Lengths of all dendrite segments belonging to the neuron. Total Path Length for a dendrite segment is the sum of all Euclidean distances between adjacent dendrite points (nodes) making up the dendrite segment. Image Modified |
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title | Mean Dendrite Branch Path Length To Root |
| Type: Morphology, Per Time Point Mean Dendrite Branch Path Length To Root is the mean dendrite branch path length to root for all dendrite segments belonging to the neuron. Dendrite branch path length to root for a dendrite segment is the path length from the endpoint of the dendrite segment back to its or its ancestor’s connection to the soma: it is the sum of the Total Path Lengths of the dendrite segment, its parent dendrite segment, its grandparent dendrite segment, and so on back to the root (ancestor that is directly connected to the soma). In the figure below, the dendrite branch path length to root for “Dendrite Segment 3” is represented by the length a. Image Modified |
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title | Mean Dendrite Branch Ralls' Ratio |
| Type: Morphology, Per Time Point Mean Dendrite Branch Ralls' Ratio is the mean of the Ralls' ratios at each bifurcation in the neuron. Ralls' ratio at a bifurcation is calculated according to the equation below, where da is the diameter of the dendrite point that is connected to the bifurcation point on one of the child segments, db is the diameter of the dendrite point that is connected to the bifurcation point on the other child segment, and dp is the diameter of the bifurcation point on the parent segment. Image Modified |
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title | Mean Dendrite Branch Remote Bifurcation Angle |
| Type: Morphology, Per Time Point Mean Dendrite Branch Remote Bifurcation Angle is the mean of the dendrite branch remote bifurcation angles for all bifurcations in the neuron. Dendrite branch remote bifurcation angle is the angle formed by the bifurcation point and the endpoints of the two (2) child dendrite segments extending from the bifurcation point. This angle is given in degrees and is represented by θ in the example below. Image Modified |
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title | Mean Dendrite Branch Surface Area |
| Type: Morphology, Per Time Point Mean Dendrite Branch Surface Area is the mean of the Surface Areas of all dendrite segments belonging to the neuron. |
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title | Mean Dendrite Branch Tortuosity |
| Type: Morphology, Per Time Point Mean Dendrite Branch Tortuosity is the mean of the Tortuosities of all dendrite segments belonging to the neuron. |
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title | Mean Dendrite Branch Volume |
| Type: Morphology, Per Time Point Mean Dendrite Branch Volume is the mean of the Volumes of all dendrite segments belonging to the neuron. |
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title | Min Dendrite Branch Euclidean Distance To Root |
| Type: Position, Per Time Point Min Dendrite Branch Euclidean Distance To Root is the minimum of the dendrite-branch-Euclidean-distance-to-root measurements for all dendrite segments belonging to the neuron. The dendrite branch Euclidean distance to root for a dendrite segment is the Euclidean distance from the endpoint of the dendrite segment, which is either a terminal point or a bifurcation point, to the root point (dendrite point that is connected to the soma) of the dendrite tree to which the dendrite segment belongs. In the example below, the dendrite branch Euclidean distance to root for “Dendrite Segment 3” is a. Image Modified |
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title | Min Dendrite Branch Generation |
| Type: Count, Per Time Point Min Dendrite Branch Generation is the smallest number of generations in a lineage from a dendrite segment back to its or its ancestor’s connection to the soma for the entire neuron. A dendrite segment that is directly connected to the soma has a dendrite branch generation of zero (0). In the example below, dendrite segments are color-coded by their generation, which is given in the same color. Image Modified |
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title | Min Dendrite Branch Local Bifurcation Angle |
| Type: Morphology, Per Time Point Min Dendrite Branch Local Bifurcation Angle is the minimum dendrite branch local bifurcation angle for all bifurcations in the neuron. Dendrite branch local bifurcation angle is the angle formed by the bifurcation point and the two dendrite points (one on each child dendrite segment) that are directly connected to the bifurcation point. This angle is given in degrees and is represented by θ in the figure below. Image Modified |
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title | Min Dendrite Branch Mean Diameter |
| Type: Morphology, Per Time Point Min Dendrite Branch Mean Diameter is the minimum of the Mean Diameters of all dendrite segments belonging to the neuron. |
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title | Min Dendrite Branch Node Count |
| Type: Count, Per Time Point Min Dendrite Branch Node Count is the minimum of the dendrite branch node counts of all dendrite segments belonging to the neuron. Dendrite branch node count is the number of dendrite points (nodes) making up a single dendrite segment. |
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title | Min Dendrite Branch Partition Asymmetry |
| Type: Morphology, Per Time Point Min Dendrite Branch Partition Asymmetry is the minimum of the dendrite branch partition asymmetries of all dendrite segments belonging to the neuron. Dendrite branch partition asymmetry is a measure of dendrite tree asymmetry that is based on the number of terminal points in each sub-tree extending from a bifurcation point. Dendrite branch partition asymmetry is calculated for each dendrite segment using the equation below, where T1 is the number of terminal points in the first sub-tree and T2 is the number of terminal points in the second sub-tree. For the example below the equation, the left sub-tree extending from “Dendrite Segment 2” has two (2) terminal points (circled in blue), while the right sub-tree has three (3) terminal points (circled in red); letting the left sub-tree be considered the first sub-tree and the right sub-tree be considered the second sub-tree, T1 is 2 and T2 is 3 for “Dendrite Segment 2.” Image ModifiedImage Modified |
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title | Min Dendrite Branch Path Length |
| Type: Morphology, Per Time Point Min Dendrite Branch Path Length is the Total Path Length of the dendrite segment that has the shortest Total Path Length for the whole neuron. Total Path Length for a dendrite segment is the sum of all Euclidean distances between adjacent dendrite points (nodes) making up the dendrite segment. Image Modified |
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title | Min Dendrite Branch Path Length To Root |
| Type: Morphology, Per Time Point Min Dendrite Branch Path Length To Root is the minimum dendrite branch path length to root for all dendrite segments belonging to the neuron and is equal to the minimum Shortest Path Length of all dendrite trees belonging to the neuron. Dendrite branch path length to root for a dendrite segment is the path length from the endpoint of the dendrite segment back to its or its ancestor’s connection to the soma: it is the sum of the Total Path Lengths of the dendrite segment, its parent dendrite segment, its grandparent dendrite segment, and so on back to the root (ancestor that is directly connected to the soma). In the figure below, the dendrite branch path length to root for “Dendrite Segment 3” is represented by the length a. Image Modified |
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title | Min Dendrite Branch Ralls' Ratio |
| Type: Morphology, Per Time Point Min Dendrite Branch Ralls' Ratio is the minimum of the Ralls' ratios at each bifurcation in the neuron. Ralls' ratio at a bifurcation is calculated according to the equation below, where da is the diameter of the dendrite point that is connected to the bifurcation point on one of the child segments, db is the diameter of the dendrite point that is connected to the bifurcation point on the other child segment, and dp is the diameter of the bifurcation point on the parent segment. Image Modified |
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title | Min Dendrite Branch Remote Bifurcation Angle |
| Type: Morphology, Per Time Point Min Dendrite Branch Remote Bifurcation Angle is the minimum of the dendrite branch remote bifurcation angles for all bifurcations in the neuron. Dendrite branch remote bifurcation angle is the angle formed by the bifurcation point and the endpoints of the two (2) child dendrite segments extending from the bifurcation point. This angle is given in degrees and is represented by θ in the example below. Image Modified |
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title | Min Dendrite Branch Surface Area |
| Type: Morphology, Per Time Point Min Dendrite Branch Surface Area is the minimum of the Surface Areas of all dendrite segments belonging to the neuron. |
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title | Min Dendrite Branch Tortuosity |
| Type: Morphology, Per Time Point Min Dendrite Branch Tortuosity is the minimum of the Tortuosities of all dendrite segments belonging to the neuron. |
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title | Min Dendrite Branch Volume |
| Type: Morphology, Per Time Point Min Dendrite Branch Volume is the minimum of the Volumes of all dendrite segments belonging to the neuron. |
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title | Number of Bifurcation |
| Type: Count, Per Time Point Number of Bifurcation is the total number of bifurcations in all dendrite trees of the neuron. |
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| Type: Count, Per Time Point Number of Branches is the total number of dendrite segments that belong to the neuron. |
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title | Number of Terminal Tips |
| Type: Count, Per Time Point Number of Terminal Tips is the total number of terminal tips for the neuron, which is equal to the total number of dendrite segments belonging to the neuron that have no child segments. |
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| Type: Position, Per Time Point Soma Skewness X is the difference between the x-coordinate of the Centroid of the soma and the x-coordinate of the Centroid of the entire neuron. Image Modified |
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| Type: Position, Per Time Point Soma Skewness Y is the difference between the y-coordinate of the Centroid of the soma and the y-coordinate of the Centroid of the entire neuron. Image Modified |
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| Type: Position, Per Time Point Soma Skewness Z is the difference between the z-coordinate of the Centroid of the soma and the z-coordinate of the Centroid of the entire neuron. Image Modified |
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title | Std Dev Dendrite Branch Euclidean Distance To Root |
| Type: Position, Per Time Point Std Dev Dendrite Branch Euclidean Distance To Root is the standard deviation of the dendrite-branch-Euclidean-distance-to-root measurements for all dendrite segments belonging to the neuron. The dendrite branch Euclidean distance to root for a dendrite segment is the Euclidean distance from the endpoint of the dendrite segment, which is either a terminal point or a bifurcation point, to the root point (dendrite point that is connected to the soma) of the dendrite tree to which the dendrite segment belongs. In the example below, the dendrite branch Euclidean distance to root for “Dendrite Segment 3” is a. Image Modified |
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title | Std Dev Dendrite Branch Generation |
| Type: Count, Per Time Point Std Dev Dendrite Branch Generation is the standard deviation of the dendrite branch generations of all dendrite segments belonging to the neuron. A dendrite segment that is directly connected to the soma has a dendrite branch generation of zero (0). In the example below, dendrite segments are color-coded by their generation, which is given in the same color. Image Modified |
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title | Std Dev Dendrite Branch Local Bifurcation Angle |
| Type: Morphology, Per Time Point Std Dev Dendrite Branch Local Bifurcation Angle is the standard deviation of the dendrite branch local bifurcation angles for all bifurcations in the neuron. Dendrite branch local bifurcation angle is the angle formed by the bifurcation point and the two dendrite points (one on each child dendrite segment) that are directly connected to the bifurcation point. This angle is given in degrees and is represented by θ in the figure below. Image Modified |
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title | Std Dev Dendrite Branch Mean Diameter |
| Type: Morphology, Per Time Point Std Dev Dendrite Branch Mean Diameter is the standard deviation of the Mean Diameters of all dendrite segments belonging to the neuron. |
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title | Std Dev Dendrite Branch Node Count |
| Type: Count, Per Time Point Std Dev Dendrite Branch Node Count is the standard deviation of the dendrite branch node counts of all dendrite segments belonging to the neuron. Dendrite branch node count is the number of dendrite points (nodes) making up a single dendrite segment. |
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title | Std Dev Dendrite Branch Partition Asymmetry |
| Type: Morphology, Per Time Point Std Dev Dendrite Branch Partition Asymmetry is the standard deviation of the dendrite branch partition asymmetries of all dendrite segments belonging to the neuron. Dendrite branch partition asymmetry is a measure of dendrite tree asymmetry that is based on the number of terminal points in each sub-tree extending from a bifurcation point. Dendrite branch partition asymmetry is calculated for each dendrite segment using the equation below, where T1 is the number of terminal points in the first sub-tree and T2 is the number of terminal points in the second sub-tree. For the example below the equation, the left sub-tree extending from “Dendrite Segment 2” has two (2) terminal points (circled in blue), while the right sub-tree has three (3) terminal points (circled in red); letting the left sub-tree be considered the first sub-tree and the right sub-tree be considered the second sub-tree, T1 is 2 and T2 is 3 for “Dendrite Segment 2.” Image ModifiedImage Modified |
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title | Std Dev Dendrite Branch Path Length |
| Type: Morphology, Per Time Point Std Dev Dendrite Branch Path Length is the standard deviation of the Total Path Lengths of all dendrite segments belonging to the neuron. Total Path Length for a dendrite segment is the sum of all Euclidean distances between adjacent dendrite points (nodes) making up the dendrite segment. Image Modified |
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title | Std Dev Dendrite Branch Path Length To Root |
| Type: Morphology, Per Time Point Std Dev Dendrite Branch Path Length To Root is the standard deviation of the dendrite-branch-path-length-to-root measurements for all dendrite segments belonging to the neuron. Dendrite branch path length to root for a dendrite segment is the path length from the endpoint of the dendrite segment back to its or its ancestor’s connection to the soma: it is the sum of the Total Path Lengths of the dendrite segment, its parent dendrite segment, its grandparent dendrite segment, and so on back to the root (ancestor that is directly connected to the soma). In the figure below, the dendrite branch path length to root for “Dendrite Segment 3” is represented by the length a. Image Modified |
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title | Std Dev Branch Ralls' Ratio |
| Type: Morphology, Per Time Point Std Dev Dendrite Branch Ralls' Ratio is the standard deviation of the Ralls' ratios at each bifurcation in the neuron. Ralls' ratio at a bifurcation is calculated according to the equation below, where da is the diameter of the dendrite point that is connected to the bifurcation point on one of the child segments, db is the diameter of the dendrite point that is connected to the bifurcation point on the other child segment, and dp is the diameter of the bifurcation point on the parent segment. Image Modified |
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title | Std Dev Dendrite Branch Remote Bifurcation Angle |
| Type: Morphology, Per Time Point Std Dev Dendrite Branch Remote Bifurcation Angle is the standard deviation of the dendrite branch remote bifurcation angles for all bifurcations in the neuron. Dendrite branch remote bifurcation angle is the angle formed by the bifurcation point and the endpoints of the two (2) child dendrite segments extending from the bifurcation point. This angle is given in degrees and is represented by θ in the example below. Image Modified |
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title | Std Dev Dendrite Branch Surface Area |
| Type: Morphology, Per Time Point Std Dev Dendrite Branch Surface Area is the standard deviation of the Surface Areas of all dendrite segments belonging to the neuron. |
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title | Std Dev Dendrite Branch Tortuosity |
| Type: Morphology, Per Time Point Std Dev Dendrite Branch Tortuosity is the standard deviation of the Tortuosities of all dendrite segments belonging to the neuron. |
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title | Std Dev Dendrite Branch Volume |
| Type: Morphology, Per Time Point Std Dev Dendrite Branch Volume is the standard deviation of the Volumes of all dendrite segments belonging to the neuron. |
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title | Total Dendrite Branch Euclidean Distance To Root |
| Type: Position, Per Time Point Total Dendrite Branch Euclidean Distance To Root is the sum of the dendrite-branch-Euclidean-distance-to-root measurements for all dendrite segments belonging to the neuron. The dendrite branch Euclidean distance to root for a dendrite segment is the Euclidean distance from the endpoint of the dendrite segment, which is either a terminal point or a bifurcation point, to the root point (dendrite point that is connected to the soma) of the dendrite tree to which the dendrite segment belongs. In the example below, the dendrite branch Euclidean distance to root for “Dendrite Segment 3” is a. Image Modified |
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title | Total Dendrite Branch Generation |
| Type: Count, Per Time Point Total Dendrite Branch Generation is the sum of the dendrite branch generations of all dendrite segments belonging to the neuron. A dendrite segment that is directly connected to the soma has a dendrite branch generation of zero (0). In the example below, dendrite segments are color-coded by their generation, which is given in the same color. Image Modified |
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title | Total Dendrite Branch Local Bifurcation Angle |
| Type: Morphology, Per Time Point Total Dendrite Branch Local Bifurcation Angle is the sum of the dendrite branch local bifurcation angles for all bifurcations in the neuron. Dendrite branch local bifurcation angle is the angle formed by the bifurcation point and the two dendrite points (one on each child dendrite segment) that are directly connected to the bifurcation point. This angle is given in degrees and is represented by θ in the figure below. Image Modified |
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title | Total Dendrite Branch Mean Diameter |
| Type: Morphology, Per Time Point Total Dendrite Branch Mean Diameter is the sum of the Mean Diameters of all dendrite segments belonging to the neuron. |
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title | Total Dendrite Branch Node Count |
| Type: Count, Per Time Point Total Dendrite Branch Node Count is the sum of the dendrite branch node counts of all dendrite segments belonging to the neuron. Dendrite branch node count is the number of dendrite points (nodes) making up a single dendrite segment. |
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title | Total Dendrite Branch Partition Asymmetry |
| Type: Morphology, Per Time Point Total Dendrite Branch Partition Asymmetry is the sum of the dendrite branch partition asymmetries of all dendrite segments belonging to the neuron. Dendrite branch partition asymmetry is a measure of dendrite tree asymmetry that is based on the number of terminal points in each sub-tree extending from a bifurcation point. Dendrite branch partition asymmetry is calculated for each dendrite segment using the equation below, where T1 is the number of terminal points in the first sub-tree and T2 is the number of terminal points in the second sub-tree. For the example below the equation, the left sub-tree extending from “Dendrite Segment 2” has two (2) terminal points (circled in blue), while the right sub-tree has three (3) terminal points (circled in red); letting the left sub-tree be considered the first sub-tree and the right sub-tree be considered the second sub-tree, T1 is 2 and T2 is 3 for “Dendrite Segment 2.” Image ModifiedImage Modified |
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title | Total Dendrite Branch Path Length |
| Type: Morphology, Per Time Point Total Dendrite Branch Path Length is the sum of the Total Path Lengths of all dendrite segments belonging to the neuron. Total Path Length for a dendrite segment is the sum of all Euclidean distances between adjacent dendrite points (nodes) making up the dendrite segment. Image Modified |
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title | Total Dendrite Branch Path Length To Root |
| Type: Morphology, Per Time Point Total Dendrite Branch Path Length To Root is the sum of the dendrite-branch-path-length-to-root measurements for all dendrite segments belonging to the neuron. Dendrite branch path length to root for a dendrite segment is the path length from the endpoint of the dendrite segment back to its or its ancestor’s connection to the soma: it is the sum of the Total Path Lengths of the dendrite segment, its parent dendrite segment, its grandparent dendrite segment, and so on back to the root (ancestor that is directly connected to the soma). In the figure below, the dendrite branch path length to root for “Dendrite Segment 3” is represented by the length a. Image Modified |
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title | Total Dendrite Branch Ralls' Ratio |
| Type: Morphology, Per Time Point Total Dendrite Branch Ralls' Ratio is the sum of the Ralls' ratios at each bifurcation in the neuron. Ralls' ratio at a bifurcation is calculated according to the equation below, where da is the diameter of the dendrite point that is connected to the bifurcation point on one of the child segments, db is the diameter of the dendrite point that is connected to the bifurcation point on the other child segment, and dp is the diameter of the bifurcation point on the parent segment. Image Modified |
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title | Total Dendrite Branch Remote Bifurcation Angle |
| Type: Morphology, Per Time Point Total Dendrite Branch Remote Bifurcation Angle is the sum of the dendrite branch remote bifurcation angles for all bifurcations in the neuron. Dendrite branch remote bifurcation angle is the angle formed by the bifurcation point and the endpoints of the two (2) child dendrite segments extending from the bifurcation point. This angle is given in degrees and is represented by θ in the example below. Image Modified |
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title | Total Dendrite Branch Surface Area |
| Type: Morphology, Per Time Point Total Dendrite Branch Surface Area is the sum of the Surface Areas of all dendrite segments belonging to the neuron. |
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title | Total Dendrite Branch Tortuosity |
| Type: Morphology, Per Time Point Total Dendrite Branch Tortuosity is the sum of the Tortuosities of all dendrite segments belonging to the neuron. |
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title | Total Dendrite Branch Volume |
| Type: Morphology, Per Time Point Total Dendrite Branch Volume is the sum of the Volumes of all dendrite segments belonging to the neuron. |
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| Type: Morphology, Per Time Point Total Surface Area is the sum of the Surface Area of the soma and the Surface Areas of all dendrites. |
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| Type: Morphology, Per Time Point Total Volume is the sum of the Volume of the soma and the Volumes of all dendrites. |